A court in Victoria, Australia, has turned down a mum’s appeal for full access to breastfeed her newborn baby.


According to reports, the baby was taken from the mother shortly after she gave birth and put in the care of a relative. The mother is said to have a history of substance abuse, and this is the fourth child to be removed from her care.


While the mother initially had full access to the baby, a change in carers and care arrangements meant that this was restricted to six hours a day, and only between 10am and 4pm.



The mother went to the Supreme Court over the new arrangements, claiming that this restricted access did not afford her the opportunity to breastfeed her baby as she so wished.


Appearing in court yesterday in the hopes of overturning the current access arrangement, legal representation for the mother suggested that both she and the child live with the tot’s father. In their argument, the parents’ lawyer insisted it was a fundamental right for the parents be allowed to form a unit.


The court, however, dismissed the application; according to reports, there were reservations on account of the father’s own alleged history of alcohol issues.


The case is set to be reviewed in more detail next week.


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