There’s a new potato on the scene that has captured our hearts, and they're of the sweet variety.


Here are ten reasons why we can’t get enough of ‘em:


1. Yummy


They’re bloody delicious – roasted in the oven in their skins with a bit of coconut oil and rosemary is basically a little piece of heaven.


2. Super healthy


Law usually dictates that if something’s healthy it’s not the tastiest. Well sweet potatoes just went and roundhouse kicked that misconception. They’re yummy and sweet, yet the natural sugars are released slowly, so you won’t have any blood sugar spikes (and the inevitable crashes).  



3. They help us chill


They’re a great source of magnesium, a VITAL mineral that heaps of us are deficient in. If you have sleep problems, anxiety or high blood pressure then tuck in!


4. They kick cancer's arse


They’re cancer-kicking. Sweet potato contains a protein that helps inhibit colon cancers, as well as beta carotene, a known anti-carcinogen.


5. Fries make us happy


You HAVE tasted sweet potato fries right? Mouth. Is. Watering.



6. We get asked for ID


They keep us looking young. Cartenoids found in sweet potatoes are little legends – they help strengthen our eyesight, boost our immunity and protect against the effects of aging – so we can get asked for ID in the offie for that bit longer.


7. Sweet potato brownies are life


They’re an amazing base for making ‘clean’ desserts. If you’ve ever tried a gooey and unctuous sweet potato brownie you’ll know what we mean.


8. Vitamin C aplenty


A single spud gives us 100% of our Vitamin CV for the day.



9. They keep things moving


They’re packed with fibre, keeping us, you know… regular.


10. They're anti-bad things


They’ve anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.


You have to hand it to Mother Nature – she really knows that she’s doing. Are you a sweet potato aficionado? If so, what’s your fave way to eat them? Baked? Made into a jam? In a rich and sweet soup? We’d love to hear from you!


