Welcome to the preschooler stage - along with the many physical and emotional milestones it brings, this can be an extremely busy and trying time for both parents and kids.
Preschoolers Articles
Preschoolers Tools
Questions & Answers
How can I get my child to read?
If you want your child to read more, you have to motivate them. And to motivate your child, you have to know what kinds of books capture his attention.
How can I make sure my child remembers his manners?
Children who are polite are great to be around – there are some easy ways to start teaching manners, no matter what age your child is.
What can I do to help my child lose weight?
Being overweight as a child can be a predictor to being overweight as an adult.
How can I help my child improve his speech?
If you have a hard time understanding what your preschooler is trying to tell you sometimes, there are ways you can help him improve his speaking skills.
How can I help my child be articulate?
A child who can speak well will have confidence and generally feel better about himself in school and among his peers.
What is normal sexual behaviour in my young child?
My child is exhibiting some sexualised behaviour ... should I be concerned?
How do I keep my child from getting car sick?
Many children get car sick, and while it’s not always easy, it can be dealt with in a few simple ways that will make travelling more fun for everyone.