For everything you need to help your tween get the best out of life during this sometimes tricky time, from tips about behaviour and development to study and health.
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Questions & Answers
Animal sources and plant sources of iron: What's the difference?
There is a difference between iron that is found in animal sources and plant sources of iron.
Animal sources and plant sources of iron: What's the difference?
There is a difference between iron that is found in animal sources and plant sources of iron.
How will ADHD affect my child's future?
It's perfectly normal for parents of children with ADHD to worry about their child's future.
My tween has started sleepwalking. How do I stop her?
Sleepwalking is not usually harmful.
What are the symptoms of norovirus?
The first sign of norovirus is usually a abrupt feeling of nausea followed by sick feeling, followed by forceful vomiting and watery diarrhoea.
My child keeps breaking his glasses, what can I do to prevent this?
Children's glasses are subjected to a lot of 'wear and tear', follow our stpes to ensure your child gets the most out of their glasses.
What are the most common vision problems for children and teens?
Common eye complaints for children and teens include myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.