Everyone loves a natural health and beauty hack, and if you can relate to this, then you need to educate yourself on the amazing uses of witch hazel. A multipurpose product, plant-based witch hazel is available quite cheaply in your local pharmacy.


Here are just seven uses for witch hazel:


1. To soothe nappy rash

Witch hazel is a great anti-inflammatory and heals damaged skin quickly, which makes it great for soothing your baby’s bum after a bout of nappy rash.


2. To help with post-birth healing

Many mums use witch hazel in the form of a tincture or in pads, as it is great for soothing the pain and the healing damaged skin, naturally, in those sensitive areas.


3. To soothe bruises

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, witch hazel soothes bruises to both reduce the pain and the discoloured appearance of your skin.


4. To treat spots, blemishes and acne

Again, this all comes down to its anti-inflammatory properties – witch hazel is just so good for your skin, which is why it is contained in so many acne products. Many people use it as a toner in their daily skincare routine as a result.


5. As a natural disinfectant

Witch hazel can be used as a natural disinfectant on your cuts and scrapes, too; to clean the wound as well as speed up the healing process.


6. To prevent razor burn

Witch hazel’s anti-inflammatory properties really come in handy when it comes to shaving aftercare, to prevent that nasty razor burn so many of us develop.


7. To treat haemorrhoids

Witch hazel is widely used in the treatment of haemorrhoids, as it is great for preventing or stopping itching. Mix a little witch hazel with petroleum jelly as an alternative to a pharmacy ointment.

