What you need
  • Sheets of paper
  • Scissors
  • Coloured ribbon
How to make your paper snowflakes
  1. Start with a square piece of paper
  2. Fold the paper half diagonally to make a triangle
  3. Fold the triangle in half again so the pointy corners meet. Keep the open end of the triangle to the left and the main fold on your right. Then divide the triangle into thirds visually. Fold the right hand side of the triangle down so the bottom hand corner is poking down below the bottom of the base of the triangle.
  4. Fold the left hand side over on top so it resembles an arrow head.
  5. Turn over to reveal a straight line across the top of the smaller triangles. Cut along this line to even it off.
  6. Cut shapes into both sides of the triangle and unfold to reveal your shape.
  7. Use coloured ribbons to hang on your tree or hang a garland!
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