Tomorrow is Pancake Tuesday, the one day of the year that it is perfectly acceptable to eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Best made the night before, we have TEN reasons why we can't get enough of the flat, filling, tasty treat.


1. You can top it with ANYTHING

Nutella, banana, syrup or just the classic lemon and sugar, there is no limit to the sheer joy that is the Pancake.



2. It literally takes a minute

All you need to do is to throw a few eggs, milk and flour into a bowl, mix it and then pour onto a hot sizzling pan. Perfect.



3. The sound of the sizzle

Speaking of sizzling pans, the minute the mixture hits the bottom of the frying pan the sound that emits is one of sheer indulgence. Oh, Pancake, how we love thee.



4. They’re healthy (kind of...)

Well you are getting plenty of protein and calcium in just one serving, right?!



5. You can eat them all day

Seriously. They work for brekkie with a few strawberries on top, lunch with a good dollop of yoghurt and dinner with a side of chips (ok, that’s a new one!)



6. The kids actually jump out of bed on a school day

The one and only time they are not moaning about what they’re having for breakfast.



7. You can eat them in SO MANY different ways

Rolled, flat or cut into strips; standing up, sitting down or even in bed the choice is yours!



8. Pancake Tuesday gives us an excuse to eat nothing else all day

When do you ever get the chance to do that?!



9. It's perfectly acceptable to play with your food!  

Check out this Harry Potter pancake...



10. And throwing it up in the air is seen as a skill 

Yes. Yes, it is. 




