While most of us are aware that feeding dogs a bar of chocolate is a no-no, not many realise that there are a number of other foods that pose as a danger to our beloved pets. 


To ensure your dog is never put at risk, always keep the following items well out of their reach. 


1. Chocolate

Chocolate acts a stimulant and can cause abnormal heart rate, seizures, vomiting and diarrhoea. It can also be fatal.


2. Alcohol

Alcohol affects a dog exactly like it does a human – but with less consumption.


3. Avocados

These contain a toxin called persin which is extremely dangerous to dogs.



4. Raw meat

Raw meat can carry salmonella and E. Coli and make your dog very sick.


5. Macadamia nuts

A handful of these nuts can be fatal to your dog.


6. Garlic

Garlic can affect your pet’s red blood cells putting them at risk of anaemia.


7. Grapes/ raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause vomiting, lethargy and if untreated kidney failure. 



8. Coffee

The caffeine in coffee can cause rapid breathing, heart palpitations and muscle tremors, 


9. Sweets with xylitol

Many sweets and chewing gum are sweetened with xylitol which can cause loss of coordination, vomiting and even seizures.


10. Onion

Just like the garlic, an onion can play havoc with your pet’s red blood cells. 



