Many parents long for the day their child is out of nappies but when it comes to potty training, it can’t be rushed.


Some kids will start younger than others and it’s important to let your child set the tone.


If you aren’t sure whether your little one is ready for this big step, here are some signs to look out for.


1. Fewer wet nappies

Your child has very little control over their bladder until they are about 20 months old or so. But if they can go a few hours without a wet nappy or wake up dry, they are ready to start potty training.


2. Predictable bowel movements

As your child grows, their bowel movements will become less sporadic and settle into a rhythm. So be aware of their pattern and when they are ready to go, whip out the potty.



3. Broadcasting their toilet habits

When kids develop a greater awareness of how their body works, they’ll be happy to announce it. Listen out for any mention of the toilet or any announcements about needing to relieve themselves.


4. They hate dirty nappies

Your toddler may not seem averse to mess and dirt in general but sooner or later they will develop a distinct dislike for a dirty nappy. This is where you offer the potty as an alternative and hopefully they will take you up on it.


5. They can undress themselves to do the deed

Before your little one can start using a potty, they’ll need to be able to undress themselves or at least pull down their pants. Once they’ve perfected this task, the potty won’t be such a big challenge.


6. They understand bathroom words

If your little one demonstrates an understanding of what they want to do and talks about pee or poop, then they are halfway there. Your child needs to be able to express what they want to do before they can do it or there will be a lot of misunderstanding.



7. They’re curious about what you do in the bathroom

Don’t be surprised if your toddler follows you into the bathroom and demands a live demonstration. It may be hard to go to the loo under the watchful stare of a toddler but there’s no better way to demonstrate the deed. You can talk them through it step by step, i.e. what toilet roll is for and why it’s important to wash your hands after.


Good luck mums!


