For every well-known nasty there are a host of “under the radar threats” we put in our mouths, roll around on all night, and regularly rub on our faces.


Cleaning, for a lot of us, is one of those things that we would prefer to hand over to someone else. And no matter how thorough we may be, there will always be a few spots that we’ll miss.


To help you keep your home sparkly and germ-free, The Cleaning Concierge has tips on how to get rid of those nasty areas that are often forgotten about.


1. Fact: Kitchen cloths and sponges, with a millilitre of foul water, can contain up to 10 million bacteria – gross!


The Cleaning Concierge tip: It’s extremely easy for food particles to get caught up in the crevasses of sponges which creates ideal conditions for bacteria. Try anti-bacterial sponges/cloths and dish soap to limit the levels of bacteria evils and disinfect them at least once a week. You can do this by bleaching for at least five minutes or placing them in a microwave for two minutes as the heat will kill off 99% of bacteria.



2. Fact: Light switches have around 217 bacteria per square inch

The Cleaning Concierge tip: This might seem obvious, but how often do you walk around your home and wipe clean door knobs, handles and light switches? The Cleaning Concierge suggests you do this once a week, giving them a good clean using disinfecting wipes, never using the same wipe twice to reduce germs spreading.


3. Fact: The bathroom is an incubator for germs and demands regular cleaning

The Cleaning Concierge tip: Make sure to clean your bathroom, especially your toilet, regularly. The shower is the ultimate grime catcher but going over it with a squeegee after each use will stop this happening. Whip-out your mop and clean the floor, don’t forget to clean the toilet handle and door knob!

