Dogs: how to keep them healthy
It is heartbreaking to see dogs get sick, suffer an injury (because sometimes they are more adventurous than us humans), or get hurt in whatever way. We, humans, consider them part of the family and for some, their dogs are their children. So what do we do to keep them with us for a long time? We take very good care of them and make sure that they are healthy and getting all their needs met. 
Keep Your Dog Healthy
There are many ways on how you can help your dog be in its top shape. Here are some guidelines in keeping your pet healthy and you, as their humans, happy.
Healthy Diet
A good balance of lean meat for protein, some fruits, and vegetables for added nutrients are usually ideal for them. There are also many kibbles in the market that can provide proper nutrition to your dog but you should research thoroughly before giving them dog food as not all of them are formulated equally. Don’t forget to give them access to clean drinking water all the time so they can keep themselves hydrated whenever. Supplements are also given to our furry friends to aid their general wellness. Some dog owners mix herbs and natural oils in their dog’s diets to help boost their general health (of course after consulting a veterinarian).
Here are some:
Turmeric. Curcumin in turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may help support heart health, relieve various conditions like arthritis, which are caused by inflammation and fight cancer
Basil. This leafy goodness is another great addition to your pet’s diet. It has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to relieve anxiety, support liver health and protect against cancer
Cinnamon. Aside from its aromatic smell, cinnamon helps improve brain function and regulate blood sugar levels. It also has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects and it can also boost your dog’s heart health.
CBD oil. This hemp plant compound is said to affect dogs like how it does in humans - by interaction with various receptors of the complex endocannabinoid system. Many dog owners use CBD for pain but it also has many more therapeutic benefits such as anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety and anti-nausea properties. It is also said that CBD can be useful for alleviating different skin conditions and improving sleep quality, therefore aiding in overall wellness.
Like humans, our dogs need to keep moving and exercise to live a long and healthy life and to keep them away from many harmful chronic diseases. 
Walking or Jogging. This is a good activity that you and your four-legged friend do together every day. But it also gives an excellent benefit for both of you and your dog’s physical and mental well-being. Aside from strengthening the heart, it also fights stress and anxiety. 
Swimming. Not only is this a fun activity for your dog, but swimming also helps keep the joints healthy. You may opt to put a life jacket on them for longer water activity that may serve as their cardio workout.
Hiking. Most if not all dogs love the outdoors. Whether it is an uphill trail or not, walking around nature boosts heart health and your dog’s mental wellness.
Mental Health
Dogs need to do something to keep themselves from feeling bored which often results in depression. Aside from giving them supplements like CBD oil for sleep and anxiety, here are some tips that you can do to help your dog keep a healthy mind.
Training. Teaching your dog new things or tricks to learn exercises their brain and keeps their mind sharp.
Socialisation. This gives your dog an opportunity to spend time with other animals and gives them extra time to play. 
Feeding Enrichment. Activities like a treat hunt or puzzle feeder can keep your dog busy while honing their thinking and problem-solving skills.

