Travelling with kids can be stressful at anytime, often leaving you chasing your tail, or pulling your hair out.


Christmas travel can be especially taxing with traffic jams, bustling airports and long delays adding to the pressure.


So give yourself a break and rope in some help to make the journey less stressful, giving you more time to have some fun.


Get the kids involved in the preparations and planning of activities – this can help qualm feelings of being dragged along, and add to the excitement of going somewhere new!



1. Fail to Prepare, prepare to fail


Preparation is key, making a list of everything you think you will need in advance of the trip, will make you more productive in your packing, and ease the stress as you are able to tick completed items off your list.


2. A stitch in time, saves nine


Giving yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go will make all the difference to your stress levels. Toddlers and young children like to dawdle their way along, exploring and examining everything, and they won’t be hurried – if you try to hurry them it generally ends in a meltdown.


3. Leave the car at home


If at all possible take public transport as this will automatically keep the kids entertained – most toddlers love the novelty of travelling by bus or train. It will also make the journey easier as there will be lots for them to see out of the windows.



It also gives you the chance to sit back and focus on the kids rather than trying to dodge traffic and a demanding toddler in the backseat of the car.


The fear of losing your child in a crowded place is unnerving, so you may want to think about investing in a child locator, which can be attached to a coat or a shoe.


4. Less is more


Travelling light is everyone’s dream scenario, and while not always possible with kids, there are so many ways to avoid bringing heavy things like books and board games.


There are so many apps available now, it would be crazy to try and cram toys, books, crayons and cuddly toys into your bags - so what better way to keep the little ones entertained then than with a few choice games, books or a scribble pad on one device.


5. Snap Happy


Most devices have cameras built in these days, but by giving your child a durable child proof camera, it gives them an opportunity to explore and document what’s interested them along journey. It is also a fun way to keep them entertained.



6. Hungry Ducks


The last thing you need is a hangry child or a child fuelled on sugar – so pack some savoury snacks like rice crackers or oatcakes, cheese and fruit to keep on hand for the trip.


7. Squeaky Clean


Avoid accidents by packing some pull-ups for kids being potty-trained, wipes are good for hands, sticky faces, toilet seats and accidents.


Hand sanitizer is another good one for on the go – especially when there’s no soap available in the public loo.


8. Ho, Ho, where to go?


Travelling at Christmas throws up its own challenges – how will Santa know where to deliver the presents? Will he come at all? If you’re staying at a hotel, will your room be decorated for the kids?


Pack small Christmas decorations, and a pop-up tree can easily fit into your hand luggage to make your room or accommodation feel more festive.


The kids may worry if Santa won’t know where to go, so an early letter to Santa advising where you will be will sort that out. Big presents can be given in advance from parents - giving smaller items from Santa will make it easier to take them with you.



If you have any of your own tips, please let us know – we would love to hear them!

