Microchipping is important to protect the welfare of dogs and along with returning stray pets with their owner it is the most effective and secure way to identify a pet.


The process involves a small chip containing a unique 15 digit number being inserted into your dog and it is not painful.


Worried about the process? Here’s everything you need to know:


How is it implanted?

The microchip is implanted using a sterile needle that injects the chip under your pet’s skin.


Does it hurt?

The process is just like getting a vaccination and shouldn’t cause your pet too much discomfort.


Will it move?

The chip is normally implanted just under the skin between the shoulder blades. The tissue then grows around it preventing it from moving.


How long will it last?

Once in the microchip is there forever – it won’t degrade or need replacing.  


Where can I get it done?

Your vet will be able to do the procedure at a minimal charge.


How does it work?

When a scanner is used over the microchip it brings up a special 15 digit number which can then be used to obtain the owner’s details on a separate database.

