Road trips are usually great fun and travelling by car means you can plan your trip around nap times, stop for food whenever you need to and let your kids have a quick run around, when they start to feel cooped up.
However, efficiently packing the car is key to ensuring you fit everything in and there is enough room leftover for people to sit in their seat comfortable.
Follow these tips for a comfortable and stress-free trip:
Fill up gaps
There are lots of gaps in cars: the pockets in the doors, the glove compartment and the holder at the back of the chairs. Fill these with items like snacks, colouring books, pencils, games - anything you will be using throughout the car trip.
Roof box
If you are planning on travelling a lot by car, you should probably invest in a roof box. They are great for keeping the luggage in one place or can work as an extra place for storage when you overpack.
Make sure you bring snacks for the trip, plenty of snacks. While it is important to bring healthy snacks a few treats come in handy when the journey gets too much. Bring food for a picnic so you can stop along the way and have a good stretch.
Let your child have one toy for the trip, but secretly pack a few colouring books, storybooks, travel games and markers. This means that when you child starts to shout ‘Are we there yet?’, you cant whip out your secret stash of toys.
Pack like with like
When it comes to packing the car, try to ensure you put the same items are together. This makes it a lot easier when it comes to unpacking and ensuring that you don’t leave anything behind.
Before you leave, decide what CDs you will be bringing along. This will prevent any fighting over which song to listen to. Pop a few stories on CD for when they kids get sleepy.
Comfy items
If you are driving at night, bring blankets and neck pillows so that kids can get comfortable enough to dose off.

