It’s not unusual after an argument for your child to declare they don’t want to live with you anymore and are running away. And while they might stomp around the house and pack their bags, very rarely do they step foot outside the door, the actual thoughts of leaving you too real. However, as your child grows it’s not about what they say, but more about what they don’t say.


Teenagers are prone to drastic actions when they are upset or stressed, and running away is not just something younger children say to get their own way. In teens, it is more serious and a lot more subtle, and can happen completely out of the blue.


However, if you are worried, there are warning signs that you can look out for - subtle signals that things aren’t right.


1. Not wanting to come home after school

Most teens want to hang out with their friends after school, but never wanting to come home is not a good sign.


2. Showing signs of alcohol abuse

It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to consume alcohol, so it is important you talk to them about responsible drinking.


3. Behaving differently

While it is important you understand that teenagers will go through a number of phases, it is also vital that you keep your guard up for any significant changes in them. Acting withdrawn or aggressive are warning signs and it is important you stand up and take notice.



4. Lying

While we try to teach our kids right from wrong a good portion of teens will lie at least once in their life, becoming more secretive as they try to figure out who they are.  However, the more secretive they become the more interested you need to be so you can spot any signs straight away.


5. Conflict in the home

Teenagers are extremely emotional and often resort to drastic measures when dealing with stressful situations. So keep an extra eye on them if they are constantly fighting with a parent or a sibling.  


6. Withdrawing from friends

It is around the teenage years that your son or daughter will start to become more closer to their friends than to you and it is perfectly normal. However, if you notice your teen is isolating themselves from their classmates or peers take the time to talk to them and offer them support.


