Because why not? 


Things double as other things all the time! My car is also my bed in between ballet and swimming, and my sweeping brush is used more for squishing spiders than actually sweeping. 


But how many times have you said to yourself 'if only my iphone could also serve me a shot of coffee?'


Well, now all your prayers have been answered by two smart gentlemen from Italy who have combined the very best of phone and coffee science to create the Mokase. 


It has a built-in battery that heats the cartridge of coffee to 60 degrees in, wait for it, 8 seconds. 


You activate your app and then the little pipe (which is specially made to handle hot liquids without damaging your case)  then pours a 25ml shot of espresso. 


The guys are now seeing about €75 in crowdfunding and plan to sell the case for about €80.


We salute these dreamers - finally, someone in this mad world has our back.


You can check out the device in action here:




