Rabbits are generally easy enough to take care of, but need extra special attention during the winter. If your pet lives outside in a hutch or even in the garden shed, it is important you ensure they are warm and safe at all times, particularly when the weather turns for the worst.


To keep your furry pet happy right through to the spring, follow these five tips.


1. Make sure their home is located in a sheltered area

Whether your rabbit is housed in a hutch, a barn or even a shed, make sure it is in a sheltered location. A heavy canvas over the roof or placed between trees and bushes will help keep them warm.


2. Check their water regularly

When the weather drops below freezing the water in their bottle can become frozen, leaving them without any. A tiny ball in the plastic container should keep the water moving and prevent it freezing over or, alternatively, wrap some fabric around to keep it warm.


3. Feed them a little more

Your pet will also need a little extra food to keep their energy levels up and to generate more body heat.



4. Keep the rain off

Make sure their home is properly covered and that there are no leaks in the tarp covering their roof. An extra layer to ensure they stay dry will do no harm, and will also help insulate it that bit more.


5. Some extra straw

Fill their home with a little extra straw so that they have somewhere to snuggle into.


6. Keep it off the ground

Pop the hutch on bricks or on a table to keep it off the cold, damp ground. This will also stop the ground freezing the base of their home.


