When you’re in a relationship it can be hard to see if it has run its course or if it is one that will last forever. 


And while every couple is different, there are a few things that indicate that it is, sadly, over. 


1. You never talk about the future

If you can’t talk about the future or where your relationship might be going, it can be a sign that you don’t have one together. If your conversations revolve around your kids and what's for dinner, then things might be in trouble. 


2. You want to change something about them

You can’t change a person, no matter hard you try and if you think fixing this one flaw will everything all good then you should just quit while you’re ahead.


3. You have nothing in common

It’s healthy to have different interests and they do say that opposites attract, but if you and your other half are poles apart and only have no similar interests, apart form the children, then it might be time to say goodbye.




4. You don’t have time for each other

It is easy to let days go by without having proper time for each other, particularly when you’ve got kids to organise, but if it is going on for weeks or even months on end then there is something wrong.


5. You know he’s not the one

If you know he’s not the one but are simply settling because you are comfortable know that it will eventually end in tears for either if not both of you. Don’t stay with someone simply because you are afraid of being on your own, this is not healthy for either of you.


6. You don’t fight

While nobody likes fighting with their other half it is actually a sign that you are passionate and willing to fight for your relationship. Not fighting can be a sign that you are hiding your true feelings from each other.


It can be difficult finally facing the truth, but it will be better for both of you. 


