Drinking a soothing, zesty mug of lemon and warm water every morning is a fantastic way to ramp up your body’s health at this time of year. Simply forgo your morning tea or coffee for half a lemon squeezed into lukewarm water to enjoy a myriad of health benefits.


Yes, lemons are legends…


1. Cleanses your system


Lemon juice is a great natural diuretic and works wonders in flushing out nasty toxins, keeping your urinary tract healthy. Thanks lemons.


2. Eases bloating


Lemons have numerous digestive-aiding qualities. They loosen toxins in the digestive tract, ease constipation and encourage the liver to produce the bile we need for digestion,


3. Alkalises the body


It’s a common misconception that lemons are acidic – they’re actually one of the most alkaline foods we can get our paws on. Oh Mother Nature you joker! Alkaline foods are necessary to balance the pH levels in our bodies, keeping our blood (and us) healthy.



4. Strengthens the immune system


Winter gives our immune systems a right battering doesn't it? The second the weather changes we all seem to be nursing sniffles we just can’t shift. Which is where lemons swoop in and save the day: the vitamin C in lemon water is a brilliant natural way to fight colds and the ascorbic acid found in the vitamin enhances iron absorption in the body, crucial to keep that immune system in good nick.


5. Gives phlegm the heave-ho


Lemon reduces the amount of phlegm in the body doncha know, naturally relieving congestion.


6. Clears skin


The vitamin C in lemon juice helps decrease fine lines and wrinkles and the anti-bacterial properties help clear up acne. You go girl!


7. Provides an energy boost


This is scientific peeps – lemon is charged with negative ions, which give us a nice little energy charge when they enter our body. Perfect for winter mornings when all we want to do is dive under the duvet and stay there. Forever.


8. Freshens breath


Say see ya later to morning breath because lemon juice naturally freshens up mouths. Just be sure not to brush your teeth straight after drinking the lemon water because citric acid can erode tooth enamel.


