Whether you love or loathe the stuff, most of us know green tea is good for us.

But aside from offering an alternative to your usual coffee fix which thereby reduces your caffeine intake, not many of us know the dozens of other benefits this incredible beverage can offer us.

If you're hoping to embark on a new nutrition plan but don't know where to begin, green tea is the perfect start.

By slowly introducing the tea into your daily nutrition plan you will soon find yourself reaping some serious benefits!

Just check out theses five incredible reasons to pick up a packet the next time you're in the supermarket!

1. Speeds up metabolism

This is probably the most well-known benefit for good reason!

By sipping on green tea, your body will burn fat a lot quicker and increase the speed of your metabolism.

2. Improves dental health

Did you know that green tea can work wonders for your gnashers?!

Cathechins, contained in green tea, inhibit the growth of bacteria and lower the risk of oral infection.

3. Improves brain function

It has been proven that green tea can improve your concentration levels.

An amino acid known as L-theanine improves brain function and is also credited for having an anti-anxiety effect on the drinker.

4. Lowers risk of cancer

Green tea, which is drunk widely across Asia, contains numerous antioxidants which are known to protect the body against the risk of cancer. 

According to Cancer Research UK, the rates of many cancers are much lower in Asia than other parts of the world 

5. Helps you live longer

Famous for protecting against disease and infection, green tea can therefore help improve health and prolong life.

Numerous studies have shown that individuals who regularly drink green tea throughout the day live longer than those who don't.

If those five benefits don't see you reaching for a cup, we don't know what will!


