When a relationship breaks down it can be a particularly challenging and difficult time. And when you have kids to take into consideration, it can make the process a lot harder to deal with.


However, while you are no doubt mourning the loss of your relationship, it is important to know that there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel.


1. Talk to family and friends

For whatever reason, it can be a struggle trying to discuss your relationship with anyone. But it is important you are open with family and friends about how you are feeling; never hide your emotions just to protect them.


2. Talk to your children

While you might feel like you are protecting your kids by not letting them see you cry, seeing you upset can let know that it is ok for them to feel the same. 


3. Take care of yourself

It’s easy to let your basic needs slide to one side while you deal with the heartbreak, but you need to ensure you try to stick to a routine as much as possible. Your kids' needs will help you stay a little motivated but you need to remember to eat and take care of yourself.


4. Don’t rush yourself

Make sure you take your time getting over the relationship, whether you initiated it or not. It is important you don’t rush yourself to get over it as you could end up struggling to cope in the long-term.


5. Seek legal advice

Make sure you obtain legal advice as soon as you feel ready. You don’t need to get a lawyer straight away, but seeking advice from Citizens Advice will help ensure you know the next steps to take, particularly if you are married.


