Long names are elegant and lovely sounding: Jennifer, Alexandra, Juileanna - the way they look and the way they sound give off this certain je ne sais quoi.


But when your little one is just born it can be hard to fathom them with a name that can seem WAY too long for them.


But if you are looking for a name that your little one WON'T have to grow into, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice on any of the above.


In fact, in their own gloriously, beautiful way, names with only a few letters can actually make just as good an impression as longer ones.


1. Ada - meaning nobility 


2. Bess - (shortened version of Elizabeth) meaning God is my oath


3. Daisy - meaning day's eye



4. Dixie - meaning ten (in money terms)


5. Ettie - meaning star 


6. Fay - meaning confidence, trust


7. Dot - (short for Dorothy) meaning God's gift


8. Gabi - meaning woman of God


9. Hatty - meaning home 


10. Ida - meaning labour



11. Jesy - meaning merciful 


12. Kari - meaning pure


13. Lola - meaning sorrows


14. Mae - meaning bitter


15. Nora - meaning light


16. Orla - meaning golden princess


17. Penny - meaning flower 


18. Quinn - meaning wise



19. Rosa - meaning rose


20. Sara - meaning princess


21. Tara - meaning queen


22. Vera - meaning true


23. Zola - meaning earth


