Aspirin is not just used to relieve pain! 


It has so many excellent uses, we thought we'd list our favourites...


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1. Reduce dandruff

If you mix two crushed aspirin with your regular shampoo, you will be dandruff free. 


2. Facemask

Mix 7 aspirin tablets with 3 tablespoons of yoghurt and 1 tablespoon of honey. Leave on your face for 20 minutes to enjoy glowing skin. 


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3. Reduce spots

If you grind up two aspirin tablets with water and rub the solution on your spots, it will reduce redness and dry out the blemish. 


4. Lengthen the life of flowers

If you grind up a few aspirin tablets and sprinkle it into a vase of cut flowers, they will live far longer. 


5. Rejuvenate your hair

Aspirin mixed with warm water can rejuvenate tired hair. 


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6. Remove calluses 

Crush 8 aspirin and half a tablespoon of lemon juice, to form a paste. Apply the mix to the soles of your feet and cover with a warm cloth. After 15 minutes, rub a pumice stone all over your feet. 


7. Remove sweat stains

Dissolve an aspirin in warm water and rub the solution on the stain. Leave to sit overnight and pop the item in the washing machine. Clean as a whistle! 


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8. Insect bites

Similar to spots, aspirin can reduce the redness and itchiness of insect bites. 


9. Hand sanitizer 

Mix with lemon juice and rub on hands to remove all sorts of nasty germs. 



10. Hangover CURE

OK, this one we knew. Aspirin is the almighty hangover cure! 



