Gabi Shull had her leg amputated after being diagnosed with a rare bone cancer when she was just nine-years-old. 


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The operation Gabi got involved removing her knee, rotating her foot 180 degrees, and then reattaching it to her upper leg, with her ankle serving as her knee.


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Six years on, Gabi has made a full recovery from cancer, and has become accustomed to her new life as an amputee. 


This 15-year-old warrior has also defied the odds, and become a successful ballerina!


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Six years after the surgery to remove her right leg, Gabi dances competitively in pointe, hip-hop, contemporary, and jazz!


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Gabi has also become the face and spokesperson for The Truth 65, which is a social media campaign that aims at raising awareness for children suffering from cancer.


What a truly inspirational young woman!


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