When your new baby is sick, it's such a worrying time. 


It can be hard to know how sick your baby is, as unlike older children they can't express themselves in words to tell you.


What's normal, what's not and when do they need to see a doctor? 



It can take young babies some time to adjust to feeding and your baby may vomit several times in their first few weeks. 


Vomiting will probably make your tot cry as the sensation is distressing for them. 


Vomiting in babies can be caused by many factors such as indigestion, carsickness and even bouts of crying for long periods.


Usually the vomiting should subside after six to 24 hours. Make sure they stay hydrated during this period.



Babies spitting up small amounts of excess milk is pretty common if they've drank more than they need.


If they seem happy otherwise and not hungry, it's generally just drinking too much at once. 


But if they have a high temperature, seem upset and distressed or are forcibly vomiting rather than just spitting up, this is cause for concern. 



Other things to look out for are a sudden onset of vomiting accompanied by diarrhoea, this could be a tummy bug such as gastroenteritis.


Gastroenteritis can be dangerous for babies under a year old as they can become dehydrated quickly.


If your baby shows signs of dehydration, such as no wet nappies or crying without tears, take them to a doctor.


These bugs are very contagious so make sure you clean your tot's highchair and wash any soiled clothing immediately. 


Other common causes of vomiting include an ear infection, urine infection or a cold. 


Food allergies can also cause your tot to vomit and some babies can develop an allergy to the cows milk in infant formula.



The following are signs of a more serious illness and if your baby has these symptoms, seek medical help.

  • Signs of dehydration, including a dry mouth, lack of tears, floppiness, and fewer wet nappies than usual (fewer than six nappies a day).
  • Fever and high temperature.
  • Refusing to eat or nurse.
  • Vomiting for more than 12 hours, or vomiting forcibly.
  • A rash that doesn’t fade when the skin is pressed.
  • Sleepiness or severe irritability.
  • A bulging fontanelle (the soft spot on top of your baby's head).
  • Shortness of breath.
  • A swollen abdomen.
  • Blood or bile (a green substance) in the vomit.
  • Persistent forceful vomiting in a newborn within half an hour of eating.

Keep a close eye on a vomiting baby so you can monitor any changes in their condition. 


