There are times when, during car journeys, we just really need our children to stay awake. And, for all of you who struggle with this, you will no doubt be able to relate to Bunmi Laditan’s struggle!


Bunmi has become something of a viral internet sensation, after creating a tongue-in-cheek video of the lengths she goes to, to get her child to stay awake while travelling in the car.


From keeping the conversation rolling and opening up sweets to singing her way through the alphabet and even juggling balls, Bunmi literally pulls out all of the stops to keep her little one awake and alert.


“Good babies don’t sleep in the car,” she says, jokingly, which many mums and dads have been able to relate to in the comment section.


Others proceeded to share their own tips for success in this situation, with one writing: “On several occasions, I used a spray bottle filled with water to keep my toddler from sleeping. Falling asleep? Squirt! Falling asleep again?! Squirt, squirt. Stay awake, bud! If he falls asleep for two minutes, he will skip a nap!”


Check out the video below – can you identify with Bunmi’s struggle?


This is me trying to keep my toddler from falling asleep in the car.

Posted by Bunmi Laditan on Monday, March 21, 2016


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