While most of us look forward to the summer with long, lazy days ahead, soaking up warm rays, it is a different story for our pets. The rising temperatures for one can be detrimental to our dogs and it is important we keep them safe.


Here are four of the most common dangers for your dog during the summer months, and how to prevent them happening:


1. Heatstroke

When your dog’s body temperature rises to a dangerous level, usually occurring if they are running under the hot sun or left in the car, it can bring on heatstroke. The best way to avoid this is to keep your pet in the house during the sun’s peak time (11am – 3pm), never, ever leave them in the car unattended and make sure they have access to outside shade. Also, avoid muzzling them as this can interfere with their natural ability to cool themselves down.


2. Burned foot pads

We all know what it’s like to walk on hot sand and the same burning sensation hits your dog’s paws when they walk on concrete. Avoid taking them for walks when it temperatures are high and cool your slabs or patio with water if your dog is going to be out the back.



3. Dehydration

Water not only helps your dog stay cool but it also prevents dehydration. Make sure your animal drinks plenty of water throughout the day, and bring a bottle of water that your pet can lick when you are out and about.


4. Parasites

You will notice the amount of ticks, fleas and flies significantly increase throughout the summer and while annoying for us they can be dangerous for your dog. Keep your dog clean by washing them with a suitable shampoo regularly to stop insects and check their hair regularly to catch anything sinister quickly. 


