We all know that a lack of moisture can result in dry skin; however there are other causes that are not so obvious. Before picking a cream or remedy treatment to apply to your dry skin, you should understand what has caused it in the first place. This will help to treat it properly whilst also assisting in its prevention in the future.   
Fragrant products
Applying products to your skin such as deodorant and perfume that contain fragrances may cause irritation. Look for products that do not contain the word ‘fragrance’ in the ingredients list, but that instead contain natural ingredients such as cocoa, honey and vanilla as these hydrate the skin.
Acne treatments
Some treatments for acne can result in dry skin. Ingredients such as retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide found in acne creams which are often used daily can dry out your skin. If you are using these creams, consider reducing how often you use them, perhaps from using them every day to every second day. Of course, if you are seeing a doctor about your skin, consult with them first before reducing your usage.
Hand-washing of dishes, clothes, your face and body with products containing harsh ingredients can reduce moisture in the skin. Look for products that are kind and sensitive to reduce the chance of irritation. Mummypages recommends ‘Dove’ products as these are wonderful gentle to skin.
Dry skin can be genetic and caused by mutations in the genes. If it runs in your family, it’s important that you’re careful about moisturising every day. Use creams containing ceramides and lipids as these help strengthen the skin.
Hard water
Tap water with high levels of magnesium, zinc and lead is called hard water. Exposure of the skin to hard water can cause it to dry out by turning skin oils into a thick substance that blocks skin glands. When this happens, essential moisture is stopped from entering the skin. Consider using a water filtration system if your home has hard water. 

