Most of us we will let our friends and family know when we're embarking on a healthy eating plan and insist we will need all the encouragement we can get, right?

While this may be standard procedure for most of us before we reluctantly drop that last chocolate muffin in the kitchen bin, some of us are a little more mysterious when beginning a diet.

Whether it's fear of failure, criticism or the desire to unveil the new them without having documented the entire journey on Instagram,some of our pals tend to be a little more secretive when they decide to shed some lbs.

Well, secretive or not, it doesn't mean your friend's mission has gone unnoticed, right?

Here are just 10 classic signs someone close to you is hoping to drop a dress size.

1. They talk about green tea like they've just discovered fire.

"Seriously, have you tried it? You really should."

2. They steal secret glances at you which they think you don't notice while you deliberate over the chocolate cake and the double chocolate cake.

"No, no, you go right ahead. I had five chocolate bars at lunch."

3. They suddenly start talking about avocados.

"I didn't even know what they were before I started- oh wait, nothing."

4.They need to carry two handbags to facilitate the sheer number of water bottles they lug around these days.

"Oh, it's just the twelve packets of crisps I had for breakfast. It makes me super thirsty."

5. They pay more than a passing thought to the number of sugars you just added to your tea.

"You know you really should try that green tea I mentioned."

6. They no longer hide and laugh along with you as you eat the remnants of the kid's birthday cake and pretend it was given away as party favours.

"You should really come out from under the stairs, the kids are getting confused."

7. They avoid the cinema like the plague.

"Sorry, already seen it! New release? Oh, still...,no."

8. They turn up at Book Club, also known as Wine Night, with green tea.

"Oh, I've already mentioned it?"

9. They no longer dismiss perfect models before flipping quickly to the cinema listings.

"You know, with a little determination and willpower, we could both look like her one day."

10. They ask you to convert kilograms to stones at least once a day because you've 'always been better at Maths'.

"No reason! I'm just wondering!"



