Christmas is a time of family and friends but when you live in a different county or country, it also means lots of travelling. And bringing along your baby can make things a little bit more complicated and stressful! 


However, that doesn't mean you should stay at home until your little one is old enough to drive themselves - our dos and don'ts guide will ensure your trip is a lot easier. 




1. Bring a travel cot

As well as giving Baby a comfortable place to sleep it can also act as a playpen for during the Christmas dinner.


2. Bring a sling

If you are going by aeroplane do bring a sling along so that you can carry Baby rather than pushing a cumbersome buggy. It will also help them feel secure if you are going to be staying or meeting a lot of family that they haven’t seen before.


3. Bring a blanket from home

While it might seem easier to leave all your blankets at home and use what is at your accommodation, Baby may benefit from the comforting smell of the familiar.


4. Bring a baby bag packed with essentials

Even if you’re only going to be travelling by car for a couple of hours do pack a bag with essentials and leave it near you. Pop nappies, a change of clothes, snacks, books, toys, comforts and anything else you thing they may need – if travelling by air do check with the airline before you go through security to check what you’re allowed bring.


5. Schedule in stops

Don’t try to attempt to do the trip in one straight go – everyone will arrive feeling exhausted, hungry and cranky. If you’re going long haul perhaps stay over for a night halfway, and schedule in food stops when going by car, train or bus.





1. Forget their favourite toy

You won’t be able to enjoy Christmas if your little one is upset and unable to settle because you forgot to bring Bunny with you.


2. Leave it to the last minute

Travelling at Christmas is stressful enough as it is without ending up organising everything the night before. Start packing away a few things now so that don’t end up forgetting anything or have to stay up until midnight the night before you leave. The same goes for when you plan on travelling – expect delays the closer you get to Christmas.


3. Forget the gifts

Imagine you forgot the gifts for your kids –it will certainly end up being a memorable Christmas for all the wrong reasons! Pack them away first underneath your clothes, away from prying eyes!


4. Forget to eat 

When caring for a baby it can be easy for Mum to forget to eat herself - but this is when you need your energy the most! Pack a banana, sandwich or even a bar of chocolate into your bag for that extra energy boost! 


5. Expect it to go smoothly

If you expect it to go smoothly you’re only setting yourself up for a fall! Expect delays, tantrums, baby sick, poo everywhere and lots of tears so that you are prepared for them. Remember, fail to prepare prepare to fail.


