Kids are great, right? Well, until they go out of their way to turn your face a BRIGHT red shade of its former self, that is. Kids are embarrassing, that we know.


But just how embarrassing is something that you won't find out until you take your little darling grocery shopping a few times. Then you'll REALLY understand just how crimson your face can go...


If you have the pleasure of a little person in your home, you are BOUND to be able to relate to at least one of the following ten embarrassing things!:


1. They pick their nose while you're waiting at the deli counter 

Mmm, yum, right?!



2. Exclaim (very loudly) that that they need to do a poo 

Because EVERYONE needs to hear their toilet escapades.



3. Tell all and sundry that you wax your upper lip 

"My mummy shaves like my daddy!"



4. Point out elderly ladies and comment on their age 

"Look at all those wrinkles, Mum."



5. Scream blue murder when you don't buy sweets for them 

Right before they throw themselves on the floor in a tantrum that is...



6. Tell everyone that you let them have chocolate for breakfast

It was one time. ONE TIME.



7. Open up everything that you put in the trolley

And proceed to eat it. 



8. Push the trolley into the back of an elderly man

You KNEW you shouldn't have given them the reins, that was just asking for trouble. 



9. Ask if that slightly larger man is pregnant... 

Now would be a good time to discuss the basics of the birds and the bees, perhaps? 



10. Shout "that's gross"

When handed a small tin foil of something from the sample counter.



SHARE if you can relate! 

