Night feeds and babies go hand in hand. However, being woken up every three hours during the night by a screaming baby isn’t exactly pleasant, and many women dread them.


However, there are a number of benefits of getting up in the early hours to feed your bundle that might make you look at it with a whole new perspective.


Here are ten reasons night feeds aren’t that bad:


1. It’s just you and Baby

It’s rare that you can just spend time with your little one without having to rush off and do something else.


2. This time is pretty special

There is just something pretty magical about the early hours of the morning.


3. You’ll see the sunrise

No matter how tired you feel, watching the sunrise as you hold your baby in your arms is pretty incredible.


4. You’ll see a whole new side to your street

The world is so different when the moon is up and nobody else is around


5. You’ll realise that a cat’s wail sounds exactly like a baby’s cry

And realise that you were being woken up by crying well before Baby arrived!



6. You can enjoy some peace and quiet

The daytime is pretty hectic when you have a baby and a house to take care of. However, the night feed offers you a chance to enjoy some peace and quiet without any distractions.


7. You might actually get to finish that last chapter

It’s always a bit of a struggle to finish a page in a book never mind a chapter, but in your desperation to stay awake you might finally get through it!


8. You can listen to relaxing music

At what other point during the day would you ever get the chance to listen to relaxing, soothing music?!


9. You can bond with Baby

With so many people coming in and out of the house during the day it can be hard to simply be with Baby.


10. You'll feel all nice and cosy

Sitting up in your bed or on a soft chair wrapped in a blanket is actually a pretty cosy way to spend an hour.


