Throughout your baby’s first year everything is a milestone for them – the first tooth, the first roll over or the first time they sit up. And while we look forward to these moments with camera in hand, there are few that we might accidently overlook.


To ensure you don’t miss a thing, here are a few milestones you’ll want to keep an eye out for:


When they look you in the eye

The instant connection you feel will melt your heart.


When they smile

And no, we don't mean straight after a feed, which is a usually a sign of wind, but when they look in your eyes and smile.


When they lift their head

This is a sign that your little, tiny baby is no longer little anymore. Now they will be able to interact and look at the world around them, not just what’s in front of their face.


Your first outing

The first time you leave the house with Baby will be both stressful and exhilarating at the same time. You’ll want to celebrate with a few snaps, so get your camera ready.


When they feed themselves

Holding their spoon by themselves means your little one is well on their way to independence.


When they clap their hands

The fact that they’ve managed to coordinate their hands together and make a sound should not be allowed pass without a celebration.


When they gurgle

The adorable sounds that come out of your little one’s mouth are not only cute, they are also a sign that your little one is trying to communicate.


Sitting up

Just like the first time they lift their head, when they start sitting up on their own they will be able to interact and connect with the world that bit more.


Point at something

Using their finger to point at something is a sign your little one is well on their way to independence.


First kiss

You will have no doubt showered them in countless amounts of kisses from the moment they arrived, and when they reciprocate you’ll feel on top of the world. 


