With the sleepless nights and endless nappy changes, it is not surprising for new mums to find themselves wishing away the difficult, early days in favour of the nappy-free toddler years.  


However, your infant is not little for very long, and it is a time that deserves to be treasured, embraced and cherished.


Here are ten things to embrace during the early days:


1. Their tiny hands and feet

Their teeny, tiny size and the miniscule nails - it’s hard to resist the urge to squeeze them! 


2. Their wonderful smell

Babies have such an incredible smell that it is near impossible to stop yourself sniffing them every couple of hours!



3. The way all their fingers curl around one of yours

Their hands are so tiny that it takes all their fingers to clasp just one of yours. 


4. Their warmth

Babies are just little bundles of warmth and are perfect for winter cuddles!


5. Their naps

Once they reach the toddler years the naps start to become a thing of the past, and you’ll realise how energetic kids can be!



6. The way they focus in on you

They way they look at you in wonderment and awe makes every single sleepless night worth it.


7. The way their entire body can lie on your chest

And their tiny little bum just fits in the crook of your arm.


8. Their baby cheeks

It’s hard not to constantly want to kiss and squeeze them!



9. Their little noises

If you thought the only sound to come out of a baby is a shrill cry you’ll be pleasantly surprised to hear their little squeaks and squeals!


10. Their complete and utter dependability on you 

Soon they won't want to know you! 


