If you want a dazzler of a name, look no further.


Just because it's an IMPORTANT decision, doesn't mean it can't be fun. 


With that in mind, we have compiled a list of some seriously funky, unique and totally cute baby names for your little hipster. 


They are just enough 'out there' to be memorable but not so wacky your child gets a complex. 


Good luck with your choices! 




1. Blue – This colour has increasingly become a popular name among the stars but has yet to catch on with us mere mortals!


2. Bluebell – Fun, happy and summer-filled named – we love this!


3. Clover - Sounds like a wish or a dream (four-leaf clover!)


4. Cricket – Busy Phillipps named her son this but we quite like it as a girl’s name.



5. Olympia – Strong and empowering, this name will really stand out in a crowd.


6. Sunday – If Nicole Kidman can name her daughter after the days of the week, why not us?!


7. Saffron – Fun, beautiful and a truly gorgeous smelling spice – what’s not to love?  


8. Sansa – Game of Thrones fans will love this.


9. Sawyer – Strong, powerful, impressive; Mark Twain readers will love being able to use this name for their daughter.


10. Zinnia – This not only looks cool but sounds fun, although you need to choose wisely depending on your surname.






1. Bear – A popular one among celebs like Cheryl Tweedy and originally made famous by Bear Grylls; this is a really unusual and unique name for your little Teddy bear. 


2. Buzz – A truly fun and original boy’s name made famous by Tom and Giovanna Fletcher and Toy Story, of course. 


3. Diezel – A little unusual yet workable as a name – we love this!  But your baby boy would have to be seriously tough to carry this off! 


4. Fox – Quite like Bear, Fox is a little more unusual and unique yet fun and workable as a name.


5. Hopper – You’ll need to be really daring to use this as a first name but if Sean Penn can do it so can we!


6. Jazz – Music lovers rejoice, there is a name perfect for your little bundle of blue. 



7. Noble – We all like to think of our sons and daughters as Prince and Princesses so what a perfect little boy’s name.


8. River – A really unique name; we love how this sounds!


9. Rocket – You’ll have your son reaching for the stars with a name like this.  


10. Zander – Short for Alexander, fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer will know all about this beautiful name.


Have any others to add to our list? 


