1. As winter comes to an end, you begin to feel nervous.



2. Everyone else gets excited when the first daffodils appear, but not you.



3. Easter’s approaching, the sun has started to shine and suddenly you sneeze.



4. Within a few days, sneezing fits have become a way of life.



5. Every time you get behind the wheel, you worry your sneezing will cause an accident.



6. And every time you sneeze, someone throws you this look.



7. You need a constant supply of tissues as not one of them can withstand more than one nose blow.



8. In fact, your nose feels like a leaking snot tap.


18 Things All People With Hayfever Will Understand


9. And you feel like a disgusting mucous creature.



10. You’ve forgotten what it’s like to breathe through your nose and have become a creepy mouth-breather.



11. And your inability to breathe is stopping you from sleeping.



12. Your eyes are constantly watery



13. And most people are quietly assuming you’re an emotional wreck.


Source: giphy


14. While those who know about your allergies have no problem telling you what a mess you are.



15. Sunglasses have become your best friend – even if you do look like a Victoria Beckham wannabe.



16. But with all those tears, why are your eyes so itchy?



17. And why, when you scratch them, do they become even itchier?



18. In fact, why is your FACE so itchy? 



19. Everyone else wants to sit outside and enjoy the sun, while you want to stay in a dark room with all the windows closed.



20. Someone gifting you flowers is the equivalent of someone trying to poison you.



21. But when your allergy medication kicks in, it’s like you’ve been blessed by a higher being.



22. And the bright side of living in Ireland is that the sunny pollen season never hangs around for too long…


