Christmas is a great time of year to be expecting a baby!


Not only will family and friends be visiting from overseas, this time of year also creates endless name options for your little one!


If you are still shopping around for a name that pays tribute to this time of year without being a 'typical' festive name, then you'll love these! 


1. Angel - meaning messenger of gods


2. Belle - meaning beautiful


3. Beth - meaning God is my oath 


4. Chiara - meaning light and clear


5. Clara - (from the Nutcracker) meaning bright 


6. Eira - meaning snow


7. Jeanette - meaning God is gracious


8. Jovie - from jovial meaning happy 


9. Joy - meaning delight


10. Natalia - meaning born at Christmas 


11. Storm - meaning a storm 


12. Starr - meaning star 





1. Arthur - meaning noble or courageous 


2. Chris - meaning follower of Christ


3. Claus - meaning people's victory


4. David - meaning beloved


5. Emmanuelle - meaning God is with us 


6. King - meaning leader


7. Luke - meaning light-giving


8. Malachi - meaning messenger


9. Natal - meaning birthday 


10. Pax - meaning peaceful 


11. Skyler - meaning giving shelter


