40 Biblical names for Easter babies

With Easter fast approaching, we thought it only appropriate to give you a list of the most beautiful names inspired by the religious holiday.




1. Abigail – meaning the father’s joy.


2. Alexandria – meaning defender of men.


3. Avril – French for April.


4. Emma – meaning universal or complete.


5. Elizabeth – meaning devoted to God or the oath or fullness of God.


6. Eve – meaning life.


7. Esther – meaning star.


8. Hannah – meaning to favour or grace.


9. Isabelle – meaning devoted to God or God of plenty.


10. Joanna – meaning gift from God.


11. Leah – meaning tired or fatigued.


12. Mary – meaning beloved.


13. Magadalene – meaning from the tower.


14. Miriam – meaning rebellion or beloved.


15. Naomi – meaning beautiful and pleasant.


16. Rachel – meaning lamb.


17. Rebecca – meaning to bind.


18. Ruth – meaning companion or friend.


19. Sarah – meaning princess. 


20. Shiloh – meaning peace and abundance.




1. Aaron – meaning lofty or high mountain.


2. Abraham – meaning father of a great multitude.


3. Benjamin – meaning the son of my right hand.


4. David – meaning beloved friend.


5. Caleb – meaning dog or bold.


6. Elijah – meaning God the Lord or the strong Lord.


7. Jacob – meaning he grasps the heel.


8. James – meaning he grasps the heel. Supplanter.


9. John – meaning the grace or mercy of the Lord.


10. Jonah – meaning a dove.


11. Joseph – meaning to increase.


12. Joshua – meaning God has saved.


13. Luke – meaning light.


14. Matthew – meaning gift from God.  


15. Moses - meaning to pull/ draw out.


16. Noah – meaning comfort and rest.


17. Paul – meaning small or little.


18. Peter – meaning a rock.


19. Ruben – meaning behold a son.


20. Simon – meaning he has heard. 


