40 things us mums just cant get our heads around at the moment

Is it just me or did January fly by?

I suppose every month flies by when you are a parent. You mark the passing of time with developmental milestones, ever-growing shoe sizes or terms of swimming lessons.

In a blink, you’re on term four and your baby’s feet are not the tiny pudgy squishes they once were. We are still often shocked and amazed that this precious time passes so fast.

Here are 40 things we just ‘Can’t Believe’ as parents at this time of year:

  1. That Christmas day was just over a month ago
  2. That Easter Break isn’t so far away
  3. That February mid-term is nearly here
  4. That fees are due again for after-school activities
  5. That Halloween was 87 days ago
  6. That anyone due in Summer is beginning to show now
  7. That it's 2020
  8. That it's already the end of January
  9. That June begins in just 126 days
  10. That kid's shops are already selling sandals
  11. That our babies are no longer babies
  12. That our kid’s feet have grown a full size since before Christmas
  13. That our little ones are nearly bursting out of their school uniform already
  14. That our little ones have already been told they can wear pink for Valentine’s Day and green for St Patrick’s day
  15. That Summer-child care needs to be organised
  16. That that birthday you thought was so distant is now just around the corner
  17. That the end-of-school play is already being spoken about
  18. That the flowers you had forgotten about on the school run have begun to bud
  19. That the pregnant lady you walked past each day on the way to school is now pushing a buggy
  20. That you will soon be dressing them in t-shirts instead of long sleeves

  21. That the school trip your kid has been talking about for months is happening
  22. That the school year is over halfway done
  23. That we have to start thinking about Summer camps already
  24. That Winter is nearly over
  25. That you haven’t seen some key family members since Christmas
  26. That there is no point in buying a bigger winter coat for your growing kid because Spring is about to be sprung
  27. That you need to start thinking about secondary school
  28. That your baby has a tooth
  29. That your bigger kiddo will be finished primary school in less than 4 months
  30. That your kids will be soon anticipating the Easter Bunny instead of Santa
  31. That your little one’s tooth is loose
  32. That Winter boots are now in the sale section of your go-to kid’s shoe shop
  33. That your maternity leave - the one you have anticipated for almost a year- has begun
  34. That your maternity leave is almost up
  35. That you will soon be able to put them in socks instead of tights
  36. That you’re getting Valentine’s cards home from school already
  37. That your little one who just started school in September is now learning to read
  38. That the stretch in the evening is nearly here
  39. That this school term is nearly over
  40. That you are already exhausted and it's only a month after Christmas

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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