We all know being a mum can make leaving the house to exercise pretty difficult. Thankfully, whether you can’t get a babysitter or don’t want to leave your baby for too long, there are plenty of ways you can stay fit and healthy without having to leave your home. Now you can stay fit and healthy and create an unbreakable bond with your baby at the same time.
Here are five exercises you can do with your baby in tow:
For a perfectly pert bum, pop your little one into their carry pouch. Stand with two feet apart just slightly wider than your shoulders and bend your knees, keeping your back straight and bum out, as if you are about to sit down in a chair. Repeat three sets of five, increasing the reps as you get better. 
Pop your baby in their buggy or pram and stand behind it with your two feet together. Push the buggy forward until your left knee is almost touching the floor, keeping your back straight, bending your right knee at a 90° angle and keeping your right foot flat on the ground. Push back up off the heel of your right foot until standing, and repeat five times before changing feet. Do three sets, again increasing as you get better.
Hamstring stretch
Sit down on the ground keeping your legs flat and straight and your toes pointed up to the ceiling. Pop your baby on your thighs – he/she will be able to keep your legs down while you stretch your arms forward until you are touching your feet with your hands. Do three sets of five.
Sit ups
Place a yoga mat on the ground and lay down keeping your back flat. Put your knees up and have your feet firmly flat on the ground. Put your baby sitting just below your stomach and tighten your abs as you lift your head and shoulders up off the ground, breathing out as you do. Do as many as you can.
Dancing is another great way to get your body moving. Pop your baby into their carrier, put on some music and dance around the kitchen. To make it really beneficial you need to break into a sweat. 

