Sugar is one of those things that we can't escape. It's everywhere: in every food that seems to adorn the supermarket shelves and in every treat and nice thing that we crave.


And while giving up is NEVER going to be easy, knowing exactly why you should give it up will definitely help. 


1. It causes premature ageing

Did you know sugar actually attaches itself to the collagen in our skin which can affect the proteins in our skin that keep it looking youthful? Well, now you do!


2. It aggravates acne

If you already suffer from acne, a high sugar diet can actually aggravate it and cause it to flare up. Trust us, after cutting down for three weeks you will notice a huge difference in your acne.


3. It’s (one) of the reasons you have love handles

If you eat too much sugar, overtime it will start to affect your body’s resistance to insulin which causes it to slow down metabolism and store extra fat. Take it out of your diet and you will notice the pounds simply fall off.


4. It could be the reason you are suffering from insomnia

We all know that not getting enough sleep plays havoc on our appearance, and eating too much sugar can be one of the reasons you are up until all hours. This is because the rise in blood sugar levels can actually stimulate the brain which is the last thing anyone wants just as they are about to head to bed.


5. It can cause dull-looking skin

Following the sugar high is the sugar crash which can leave you feeling hungry, moody and cranky. It also causes internal stress within the body which can lead to dull-looking skin.



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