Babies are great - they are cute and cuddly and it’s hard not to spend your days simply hugging and showering them in kisses.


And while their adorable smile would melt the hardest of hearts, that's not all they can do; in fact, your baby can teach us a thing or two about how to be better adults.


They smile at everyone

Nowadays with everyone’s head deep in their phone, it is easy to walk past someone and not even give them a quick smile or a wave. Your baby on the other hand doesn’t think twice about smiling at people and that is something we all definitely need to take note of.


Everything is a wonder

As we grow up, things become predictable and expected and we often miss out on wonders that should still captivate our mind. Watch your baby when they see something shiny or new and look at how they smile and explore their new finding. Look at things the way your baby does and you will start to remember how fascinating and wonderful the world is.


They sleep when they want

Sleep is one of the most important things that you need for your health and wellbeing. Take a few tips from your infant and have a nap if you need it. A ten minute power nap will help you recharge your batteries and you will feel so much better.


They appreciate the simple things in life

Your baby doesn’t worry about what they are wearing, if they have enough money, the nicest of things or what people think of them - food, sleep and being clean are the ultimate ways to make your baby happy. Appreciate the simple things in life and happiness will follow swiftly behind. 


They speak their mind

When your baby is hungry, annoyed, tired or having a bad day they have no trouble letting you know. Adults on the other hand seem to keep things to themselves, afraid of upsetting others or disrupting things around them. Act like a baby every now and than and let your feelings known - you will feel so much better.

