6 end-of-easter-break thoughts all mums can relate too

Two weeks off is A LOT. Whether these Easter hols have left you feeling revitalized or in need of another (kid-free) break, we have come up with six thoughts that ALL mums can relate to at the end of this Easter break!

The leftover chocolate is burning a hole in your press

You know its there. You know you will eat it at some point. If not today, then tomorrow. If you manage to hang on for a week, fair play. On the other hand, if you don't eat it while the kids are asleep maybe they will find it. They will make themselves sick AGAIN. Eating the chocolate yourself NOW would be the decent thing to do, sure when it's gone it's gone, right? 

What was a blissful few weeks off has now turned into chaos

Two weeks is too long. You need a morning to yourself badly. Don't even begin to think of summer, its AGES away.

The house is a MESS

If you ended up staying at home for the whole break, your home is now a black hole where chocolate wrappers, toys and clothes have blended into one another. If you are one of those parents who kept on top of the laundry and housework over the break, we are all super impressed. Also, we hope you get stuck in traffic on Monday. 

You miss the sun already

Whether you were lucky enough to go away for a week or even if you stayed at home, this Easter break was fab in terms of weather. All that Winter worrying about coats and hats evaporated with the sunshine and now you're 'used' to it. The thought of wrapping them up again when they leave for school on Monday is painful. Sun makes EVERYTHING better and this break has made you look forward to the summer- even though it means filling TWO MONTHS of activities for your little ones rather than two weeks!

You and your OH are killing each other

Lovingly of course, and you know that you will miss them as soon as Monday comes back around. However, there are reasons we go our separate ways each morning and they have something to do with sanity. Whether it's you or them, there is always a 'mean' parent and a 'nice' one over the hols. I'm the 'mean' one. Whoever said yes to every piece of chocolate and every episode of Spirit: Riding Free was the fave parent this Easter and it will surely be the other one that must deal with the consequences...

You are dreading AND dying to get back to work

If you've managed to stay in holiday mode for the last two weeks, go you. Turning off your work life can be tough for many of us but is great for your mental health- especially as a parent. However, Monday morning you may be back in the office etc. and though you are dying to turn off mom-brain for a while, you know that time off will ALWAYS have consequences. This is also true for mammas who work at home.

Holiday mum and term time mum is not the same person and going from one to the other can be EXHAUSTING- we feel you!


With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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