6 facts about spring babies that make them extra special

Spring has FINALLY sprung! To celebrate, we have come up with six super facts about spring babas that make them extra special!

1. They are less likely to develop allergies

Though your eyes might begin to run over the next few weeks, turns out pollen season is a great time for your little one to be born as he or she is likely to have fewer allergies. According to a study carried out by the University of South Hampton, the season of birth is directly linked to allergies, hayfever, asthma, and eczema.

Babies born in Autumn are more likely to have allergies while babies born in the Spring are less likely. 

2.  More Likely to make CEO

Researchers at the University of British Columbia have found that a person's birth month can affect their climb up the corporate ladder. Babies born in March and April have the highest chances according to this study. This may be linked to schools admission policies regarding age, and how children born earlier in the year are often older so more intellectually developed during school. 

3. Spring baby optimism

Your little spring bloomer may turn out to be optimistic- to a fault- according to science. Babies born in March, April and May tend to score higher on the hyperthymia scale (a scale of general optimism). The ability to make lemonade when life gives them lemons is a fab trait for your spring baba.

4. Creative creatures 

If your son or daughter is born in Spring, he or she is more likely have a creative-type personality- and it has NADA to do with astrology! Research from the University of Connecticut shows that your birth month can affect personality types, and in a study done on 300 creative celebrities showed most were born in early spring.

5. Night Owls

Get ready for a baby who likes to party til’ the wee hours! Researchers in Spain and Italy have found that babies born in spring and summer are more likely to want to stay up late. This might be because Their little internal clock is used to longer days- sorry mamas.

6. They are more likely to be a pilot or a musician

If you are daydreaming as far ahead as what career your little one will be most likely to have, look to the sky. Research has shown that the pilot profession has significantly higher rates of employees born in the spring! Also, you may have a Baby Gaga on your hands as spring is the time of year when musicians emerge on the world stage!

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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