Whether it's your first, second or third child, welcoming a newborn into the family is a huge life-changing event, and can be very overwhelming for mums. 


With so much to think about and consider it is no surprise that many of us are guilty of making the following seven mistakes - mistakes that are probably making your life a lot more difficult than it really needs to be.   


1. Over-thinking things

Like how much of a lasting impact taking your baby out when they are due for a nap there will be. Will this effect their potential at school? 


2. Comparing your baby’s progress to other children of  similar age

Baby Susie next door was already walking by the time she was nine-months-old - maybe I'm not pushing my little one enough?!



3. Doing way too much on their own

No, you don't have to clean the house, entertain older kids, fix the broken shelf, cut the grass, do the shopping and keep Baby on a tight schedule all at the same time - choose what's the most important and rope other families members in to help with the rest of it. 


4. Neglecting your own needs

Taking ten minutes out of your day to enjoy a shower does not equate to child abandonment - you are allowed to have some 'me-time' you know! 


5. Buying WAY too much

No, you don't need all those buggy accessories - a rain mac and a umbrella to keep the sun off is more than enough! 



6. Not taking the time to savour every single moment

Yes, you are tired and, yes, you have a lot to do, but take some time out of your day to simply soak in every single feature on your little one's face - they grow up so fast and change so often it's easy to miss something.  


7. Believing everything you hear

No, picking up your baby to soothe them when they cry is not spoiling them and you don't have to do everything exactly as your own mum did - every parent is different. 


SHARE if you are guilty of a few of these. 


