Most people suffer with a touch of insomnia at some point in their lives, and these people will know only too well how frustrating it is. If you tend to struggle with getting to sleep, then consider the following seven steps in your journey to a great night’s shut-eye.


1. Get into a sleep routine

When you go to bed at the same time every night, you’re setting your internal body clock to a schedule. Just like any other habit, your body will naturally begin to fall into this pattern, making it easier to fall asleep.


2. Limit daytime naps

Long naps during the day will disrupt your body clock and only make it harder to fall asleep later in the night. Sometimes – whether we have been travelling or have just come off a stressful night – a nap is necessary; in this situation, keep your nap to a duration of no longer than 30 minutes.


3. Exercise daily

Previous research has proven that not only does a daily workout improve the quality of your sleep, but it can also help you sleep for longer. We’re sure you will agree that there’s nothing quite like sweating it out at the gym to leave you aching for your bed!


4. Keep those bright screens at bay

A recent study proved that looking at the bright screen of a phone, tablet or laptop can have a seriously negative impact on your sleep and sleep pattern. When operating at maximum brightness, this light can actually alter your nightly release of melatonin – one of the key chemicals involved in telling your body that it’s time to sleep. So, make sure to keep those gadgets away from the bedroom!


5. Create a bedtime ritual

Whether it’s a lavender-scented bath or reading a couple of pages of your book, a bedtime ritual can really help you to wind down, relax and settle into sleep-mode.


6. Make your bedroom as dark as possible

As with the bright lights of your gadgets, even a sliver of light in your bedroom can distract you and disturb your sleep. This is why it’s so important to make your bedroom as dark as possible – turn that alarm clock the other way if you have to, to create the perfect sleep environment.


7. Avoid heavy meals and caffeine before bed

A heavy meal before bed will likely result in you lying awake all night, waiting for your digestive system to take a break. If you really need to snack before hitting the pillow, opt for something light, like fruit or cereal – and remember: no caffeine!


