We love that we can nourish our baby, but we have to admit: breastfeeding is no walk in the park.


Just ask anyone who's ever tried it, especially in the early days when you're brand new to this parenting business. 


Making it tougher again are other people's opinions on your breastfeeding. Here are just a few of the comments we could probably do without...


Sorry, I dropped it...



After a long, tiring day, especially once you've returned to the office, every single ounce of breast milk you've pumped matters. You've saved up all of your energy just for those few ounces. You NEED your other half to NOT drop it. That is all.


Are you sure they've had enough?


Nobody struggles with a child's hunger cries more than a nursing mum. But that doesn't mean we can always nurse on demand. 


Imagine how you'd feel if you'd served up a lovely, home-cooked meal only to be told 'that's not enough for your child.' We're doing our best here. 


Why don't you try...(insert suggestion here)?



Veteran mums, we know you mean well but please, please don't tell a newbie that she's got it all wrong. 


Breastfeeding is tough. We need encouragement, not criticism. If there's something we can do to make it easier for ourselves, feel free to mention it, but don't barage us with tips and advice. It makes us feel like we haven't got a CLUE...


Why don't you just use formula?


If we're breastfeeding, it's because we don't want to use formula. Surely this is a no-brainer. And yes, formula may be good during the wee hours, but breast is widely considered to be best.


Your boobs have got so big!



We know you're probably aiming to compliment with this one, but actually we're a little bit insecure about the hugeness of our breasts, and are quieting wondering if we'll ever look like ourselves again. So thanks...but we'd be happier if you told us we hardly look any different post-baby (yes, even if we totally know you're lying...).


What if your baby refuses the bottle after all of this?


Nobody knows what the future holds, and just because your child is breastfed doesn't mean a bottle will never be an option. If that was the case, every breastfed baby the world over would still be attached to their mum's nipple, wouldn't they? Enough said.


Are you still breastfeeding?



Usually asked after seeing a woman breastfeed. Uh, yeah, Sherlock. How did you figure me out? Me putting my boob in my child’s mouth or me telling you that I’m still breastfeeding? 


Anyway, we're aware that most mums stop nursing once their child hits six months, but we're going to let our instincts and our baby decide when enough is enough...


Are you nearly finished?


It took us half an hour to settle the child down enough to feed, so forgive us if we don't want to rush it now that it's going so well. Trust us: when we're done, you'll know... 


SHARE if you got some well-meaning but not-very-helpful comments when you were nursing.


