Having a baby is a huge deal and one that changes your life completely (in a good way of course!).


However, if you are expecting your first baby, it would be a good idea to know that while a lot of it is happy and fun, there are few things that you should totally prepare yourself for. 


From sleepless nights to being given a multitude of unwanted advice, here are eight things you should totally be preparing for:


1. Your emotions

They will be all over the place. Literally. 



2. Having to clean poop off your baby’s back

And this is a daily occurrence. 



3. Leaking milk EVERYWHERE

Whether you breastfeed or not...



4. Tasting breast or formula milk

Well you do want to know what your little one is drinking... 



5. Being peed on constantly




6. Having to deal with baby sick in your hair

It's cute the first time they do it. Not so the next time. 



7. The battle that is getting a squirmy toddler dressed 

Admittedly it won't happen for a while, but it is one of the HARDEST things you will ever have to do. 



8. Being overwhelmed with love every time you look or even think about your baby

Actually, you can't prepare yourself for it! 



SHARE if you can relate! 


