Only one more sleep left until Santa arrives, and the kids have, no doubt, been making it known since half six this morning!


While there is no denying the fact that there is something extremely special about Christmas Eve, there are a few things that will almost certainly run through your mind at least once today! 


1. "I definitely don’t have enough carrots"

Even though you’ve probably got an entire carrot farm in your kitchen.


2. "I’m sure I’ve forgotten something"

You haven’t. Stop worrying!



3. "How am I going to get the kids to bed?"

Let them stay up – they’ll stay in bed longer on Christmas Day, hopefully!


4. "I have NOTHING to wear"

To be fair, no one really cares about your outfit as long as there’s turkey!


5. "I definitely don’t have enough ice-cream for dessert"

I’ll just go out for one more block...


6. "Candles. I forgot the candles."

The table just won’t look the same without the festive red candles.



7. "Will the kids ever stop asking when’s Santa coming?!"

No. No, they won’t.


8. "I’m so over this"

It hasn’t even started!


