Caring for a baby is really (really!) exhausting. Like physically, emotionally and mentally exhausting.


And the last thing any new mum needs is for someone to point out the obvious and tell you you look tired, but that won't stop people saying it. 


However, armed with a few responses up your sleeve you'll be able to answer with dignity and grace... or something along those lines...


1. “Eh, thanks”

Well they are being rude...



2. “Here’s Baby, I’m off for a nap”

You can totally take their statement as an offer to mind your little one. You better run before they can say anything though...


3. Just laugh

A crazy, evil laugh that will make them step away from you very, very slowly.


4. “Well I haven’t slept in three months”

Make ‘em feel bad for saying ANYTHING.



5. Just start crying

Hit them right in the feels.


6. “I am”

There’s no point in skirting around the truth. You’re tired. Tell them.


7. Open your eyes that little bit wider, purse your lips and breathe deeply through your nose

Now watch them squirm for even daring to make one of the most obvious statements you can make to a new mum.



8. “I slept for eight hours straight last night. This is just the way I look.”

Well, if they’re going to be rude, there’s nothing wrong with you being rude back.


9. “You’re looking a little peachy yourself. Rough night?”

Just like a boomerang – throw it right back at them.


SHARE if you're sick of people telling you you look tired.


